Friday, January 4, 2013

learning new things: chess

One of the goals I set for myself for the year is to learn something new. There are so many new hobbies I want to try -- knitting, sewing, bowling (shhh, I'm the worst player ever), mountain biking, and chess. Since the weather is so cold right now and I'm pretty cheap, I decided that chess would be my first learning experience.

Have you ever felt like all the people that know how to play chess are smart? I always have, and I've always wanted to be in an exclusive club like that. I mean, they have intense tournaments, which is pretty cool because both kids and adults play. Better yet, some kids beat the adults. Man, how kickass would it be to school someone in chess? CHECKMATE, BRO!

I feel like I'm making the learning process more difficult than it should be. Tactics like skewers (what?), openings like Caro-Kann Defence (oh no), and Forsyth Notations (mmmm, math). I am pretty damned determined to learn this, though. Hell, they have a chessKIDS academy for children. I'm 22, this crap should be easy, right?!

Well, this is going to be an interesting game to learn.

Next up: learn astrophysics (HAHA NOT)

Do you know how to play chess? Love it or hate it?


  1. I don't know how to play either but also feel like chess players are smart! Good luck! Once you master it you can teach me ;)

    1. Definitely! Hopefully teaching for myself doesn't go too badly. :)

  2. I played chess when I was real little, but sadly, I seem to have lost my ability to play a single freaking game these days. Plus, little me didn't quite get tactics. I think a second shot at it would be nice! Great goal, too!

    1. That is so awesome!! Maybe once I learn we can play a game one day! :D

  3. I completely agree that it seems all chess players are smart. I have no idea how to play. I want to learn.

    1. If I find a helpful website or book to learn chess, I'll pass it along to you! :)

  4. If you learn you'll have to teach me GG!

  5. Jordan loves chess and has even tried teaching me how to play. I'll stick to Chinese checkers!
