As everyone can see, my blog has been seriously lacking in many things, such as buttons and pictures of me and just overall quality updates. I blame this on work sucking all energy and creativity out of me, even though I'm not at all creative at work.
What I'm going to do is ask for feedback and give a kind of "call for assistance"...
What would *you* like to see on this blog???
I'm not very good at cooking or fashion, but I can try to learn and let y'all see.
I love make-up, but do not buy copious amounts of it.
I'm trying to lose weight but slightly failing at it.
I'm trying to decorate my apartment, but finding time in short amounts.
I love English and Science, but I don't think people want free & random lessons...
I love painting, reading, puppies, and hockey.
I've been throwing the idea of a new blog around too, something that centers on more concrete ideas and topics. That's still a ways away, though.
If there's anything you want to see more on here or posts that you particularly love, let me know!! I want to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone that comes here! If you want themed days or anything else, just let me know!
Once I get that set up, design and add-ons will come later. Promise!
Here's a puppy for motivation to comment {haha}
Thanks in advance for your input!