Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Update! v.2

Friday: I was supposed to go to the NHL Draft party in downtown Pittsburgh, but my father wasn't feeling well so I decided to stay with him and watch from home. Some surprises for Pittsburgh, but I think we got some good picks! Then I baked brownies as a treat for the whole family, because I have no will power for diets.

Saturday: My mom, brother, and I went downtown to go on the Monongahela incline. My parents have lived in this area for about 8 years and they've never been on Mt. Washington! My dad was still under the weather, so he wasn't able to go with us this time. The view was breathtaking, the heat wasn't bad, it wasn't crowded, and I got to drink a delicious iced chai tea latte. :) Such a wonderful day in the fresh air!

Sunday: Cleaned, did some laundry, and rented 50/50! I loved this movie, it reminded me of my wonderful relationship with my best friend. Overall, it was a good and relaxing weekend!

How was your weekend?


  1. I never have will-power when it comes to baking!! I loved the movie 50/50!! So good!

    1. That movie made me cry and laugh, it was amazing!

  2. I miss JStaal!! D,: But that just means more trips to NC and I get it, despite being massively surprised and heartbroken, haha.

    1. Not going to lie, I was REALLY surprised when he left! I know that he declined the offer and had talked about wanting to play with his brother but I was still like WAIT WHAT when I heard about it! Just weird!

  3. "No will power for diets." I think you just wrote my biography. That brownie batter looks delicious! Also, I saw 50/50 a few months ago and absolutely loved it. I think it was overlooked by the critics. Thanks for linking up your weekend with us.

    1. Haha, seems like we share the same biography! :)

  4. Yum! That brownie batter looks delish! I have no willpower for diets either considering I had ice cream not once but twice this weekend! Thanks for linking up girl :)

    1. Ice cream in the summer is like a staple though! I usually have it more than twice a week haha!

  5. I hope your dad is feeling better! Looks like he missed a gorgeous view Saturday.

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Thankfully he is feeling a ton better, thank you! :)

  6. Gorgeous scenic pictures! 50/50 is both heart wrenching and funny!

    1. Mt. Washington is awesome for seeing Pittsburgh!
