Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Update: back in the swing of things

Do you ever have off days? Off weekends? Off weeks?
I've been trying to get out of this slump I'm in and it's proving difficult. I don't feel like writing, socializing, or doing much thinking. It sucks, but I don't know how to get myself out of this slump. I feel so out of touch with myself, it's terrible.

I was thinking a lot this weekend, between sips of beer and the music of Casey Donahew, about a ton of different stuff. I just want to tell every single one of you how thankful I am for you. For your constant presence and support through comments and otherwise. You are all wonderful people!

This is why I love blogging, because I am able to meet people who will make an impact on me. Where would I be if I've never met some of you awesome people? I'd be in an even sadder slump, that's for sure!

What I'm trying to say is thank you to everyone for being yourself. You are beautiful, inside and out. I am so happy to be living my life and sharing it with great people.


How was your weekend?


  1. Hang in there. You'll work yourself out of this!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! :) I appreciate it.

  2. Slumps are so strange. I feel like I'm in one myself, and I honestly don't know if there's anything I can do except ride it out, which is frustrating in itself. I hope you get out of yours soon! <3

    1. Oh man, I know exactly what you feel like. Especially when you come off such a high of life or something! I hope you start feeling up soon, too! :)

  3. Hang in there - I've been in a slump lately too and slowly but surely been getting out of it! Things will look up soon!

    1. I'm glad you're getting out of the slump! The down days aren't fun but we will slowly but surely get out of them. :) Thank you for the words of encouragement!

  4. what a neat photo!!

    it will all work out in the end :) at least that is what i tell myself all the time :)

    cute blog you have!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement!!

  5. Girl... I've been feeling like this for a while now. Hang in there and hopefully that funk will pass! Hope all is well!

    1. I hope you get out of your funk soon, too!! Hope all is fabulous with you also. :)

  6. And we love you as well! I totally get like this with blogging. Sometimes I just feel meh. I was feeling like that before my trip but I am hoping I'm getting back iton the swing of things :)
