Monday, June 17, 2013

Things I Love Thursday ♥

1. Have you met Maddie the Coonhound? She is so adorable, is a rescue dog, has a book all about her, and  is now going on a tour! She'll instantly put a smile on your face.

2. Eating Christmas themed gobstoppers in June! Lots of flavors in assorted winter holiday colors. Yum!

3. This post on why it's okay to be unpopular is so uplifting and inspiring. A good reminder to always be true to yourself.

4. Going through a blogger's block? I know we've all been there, so this post is excellent to read to get back into the swing of blogging!

5. Write with Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, and Emily Dickinson thanks to Google!!

6. Even though it's not homemade like I like it, flan is still amazing even if it's in small processed packages.

7. The weather has been muggy because of rain, but I love the summer thunderstorms that lull me to sleep.

8. Almost done with the 9th season of Bridezillas. I am seriously obsessed with this show! Thank you, Netflix!

9. A ton of my friends from college are getting amazing dream jobs, and while it makes me feel old, I could not be more proud of my talented group of friends and all their accomplishments!

10. We're already half-way through June, but that just brings us closer to the 4th of July!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Currently [1]

Reading: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It's taken me about two weeks to get half-way done (embarrassing, I know) but I am so obsessed with it. I read about two chapters a night and have wonderful dreams of this Le Cirque des RĂªves, which is so vivid with Morgenstern's prose and imagery. I'm far from done with this book, but I highly recommend it.

Listening: 1994 by Jason Aldean. I listen to this song every day on the way to work and for some reason it always pumps me up. Mix in some random country songs from the local radio station and I'm ready to tackle my day!

Smelling: Nothing, actually! Apartment has not been cleaned so there is no lemon freshness wafting in the air.

Watching: Bridezillas on Netflix. They just posted Season 9 and it's one of my favorite guilty pleasure shows. These ladies are so crazy but so addicting.

Eating: Strawberries! Just picked some up from the store and I snack on them like they're going out of style. Makes my miss my mini strawberry plants from last summer, though. ):

Needing: Nothing. Which is a damn good feeling!

Wishing: That I could go camping by the lake soon. I know I don't seem like a "nature" girl, but the weather has been so lovely and I'm craving the wilderness for some reason. Call me crazy, but I would love to go on a camping adventure right now.

Thinking: Events from the past week that have put me in an emotional tailspin. Several co-workers have been through some horrible situations, and a gentleman who works for me recently got diagnosed with cancer. It's a lot to deal with and I'm trying to not let it affect me in front of everyone. It just makes me so sad and wish I could help everyone out, but sometimes there is really nothing you can do. Just be there for someone and let time help heal.

Loving: Sundays off in the warm June weather. These days off are very welcomed. ;)

What are you enjoying currently?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I LIVE... kinda

Hey y'all! Long time no see, right? Let's just say this is the end of my mini-hiatus! Hopefully for a veryyyyy long time.

Let me tell you -- life has been wild. Not the fun wild, either.

I have mainly been working. A ton. Which is not fun at all. In fact, it makes me angry.

Working 7 days a week, sometimes 13 hours a day is not fun. It's been rough with many hours of lost sleep and many days of a dirty apartment. Let alone I had to give up blogging for a bit, just to get some other things done. Slowly but surely I am trying to fit in things that I love. Work cannot take over my life and I've finally realized that. I'm trying to get my ducks in a row... blog more, look into ag-vocacy avenues (which I'll tell y'all more about later!), and trying to study for vet school. You know, doing more things for me.

For the most part, I'm going to try to update this regularly. No long absences. More fun posts of different things I love. Maybe a new layout? Either way, I will try to be around more often. Maybe it starts off as updating once a week, but I'll be here. (:

I've missed you guys, and I can't wait to get back into blogging!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

mini hiatus

Sorry I haven't been around much, life has kind of gotten in the way of things!! I'll be working 7 days a week for 10 hours a day until about April 22nd. So, that sadly means not a lot of time for things outside of work and mindless things like sleep and movie watching. I miss all of you, and hopefully I'll be back full-time in late April! Keep being awesome, lovelies.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Alright y'all, I've been thinking about making a post like this for quite some time, I just never truly knew how to word it.

As everyone can see, my blog has been seriously lacking in many things, such as buttons and pictures of me and just overall quality updates. I blame this on work sucking all energy and creativity out of me, even though I'm not at all creative at work. 

What I'm going to do is ask for feedback and give a kind of "call for assistance"...

What would *you* like to see on this blog???

I'm not very good at cooking or fashion, but I can try to learn and let y'all see.
I love make-up, but do not buy copious amounts of it.
I'm trying to lose weight but slightly failing at it.
I'm trying to decorate my apartment, but finding time in short amounts.
I love English and Science, but I don't think people want free & random lessons...
I love painting, reading, puppies, and hockey.

I've been throwing the idea of a new blog around too, something that centers on more concrete ideas and topics. That's still a ways away, though. 

If there's anything you want to see more on here or posts that you particularly love, let me know!! I want to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone that comes here! If you want themed days or anything else, just let me know!

Once I get that set up, design and add-ons will come later. Promise!

Here's a puppy for motivation to comment {haha}

Thanks in advance for your input!

Monday, January 28, 2013

weekend update: work hard, play hard

Last week, my absence was due to working 11+ hours a day and feeling like doing nothing until about 9pm when I go to bed. My life is boring, I know.

Saturday night I ended up going to a small birthday party for a woman that works the swing shift, and we had a ton of fun. Luckily, the tequila did not get the best of me even after 3 shots and a few mixed drinks. Seems like my old age has given me an iron liver.

Y'all, work has been kicking my tail! I've been putting in long hours and leaving with sore feet. Stress has given me a type of cold/allergy thing, so now I'm trying to fight that off with copious amounts of tea. Send some good vibes that I don't get sick this week!!!!

Also, my toilet keeps running and ruining my water temperature and wasting water. I'm about thissssss close to bashing it in with a hammer. Any toilet-savvy ladies out there that want to help me?!

Oh, and a rock left a lovely gift to me in the form of a crack in my windshield. ACK!!!!

How was your weekend?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Social, week 34

Sunday Social

1. What is your ideal way to relax?
Let's see... sweatpants, movies, and some food {ice cream preferable}

2. Where is your favorite place to be?
Besides my bed, probably my parent's house.

3. Who do you consider your biggest role model?
I have many role models, but I'm going to cheat here and say both of my parents. My dad grew up as 1 of 10 kids, helped support his family, and worked hard to get to where he is. My mom grew up as the middle of 7 kids, paid her own way through college, and worked hard to get to where she is. They are both inspirational and wonderful to me! 

4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
Hopefully super successful in many outlets {hobbies, work, friends, family, life} and hopefully with a wonderful man by my side to share it all with.

5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
Oh man, I really dislike questions like these! Honestly... probably my attitude through high school. I was stuck in this "I'm fat, ugly, have no talents, life sucks, I suck, everybody sucks" attitude. While it didn't take over my life, it probably would've been easier to deal with things if I didn't have that mindset through a crucial part of growing up.

6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
Getting a job right out of college and seriously kicking ass at it! And while some days it kicks my ass too, I'm enjoying the time I have to learn and grow in my business. I'm hoping what I accomplish now will help me climb the corporate ladder. :)

Hope y'all have a lovely Sunday!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Update: middle of a 12-day work week

This weekend was a mix for me. I had work all this weekend. Friday I worked until 5:30, Saturday I had a meeting at 7:30am, then Sunday I had training at work around 2:00pm. Yep, a working lady never quits!

But the best thing is -- PITTSBURGH PENGUINS WIN!!!!

Can I just say that I am completely and totally obsessed with Netflix? I never had it until I got my xbox and then I got a free month trial. I have never watched so many movies in my life and I love it!!!!

I did end up getting away from work and movies to go buy some decor! Two of these crosses were on sale at Hobby Lobby. Also, I finally traded in my old Sperry's for a great new pair! I forgot how very comfortable new shoes feel. (:

This means: living room is almost done being decorated! I'm excited to show y'all the finished product!

What did you do this weekend?